Tempus 2017
Tempus 2017
OC Transpo – Park & Ride, Kanata,City Of Ottawa.
Urban bus transportation is part of a network of systems that serves to transport a population from one area to another and plays a significant role in achieving effective movement of large numbers of people, living in and around urban concentrations. Time, movement and sustainability are core aspirations for Tempus. The rotating forms move upward slowly each shape is slightly different from the other, decreasing in scale and organized around a central vertical column. At intermittent points or junctions there are directional arrows, corresponding to the navigational system of transit and passenger pick up and drop off points.
Each form is painted a different colour and represents the movement of light from sunrise to sunset; from red and yellow to the pale white of dawn. Similarly as night settles on the land the eye moves downwards, the bright light of the dayfades to glowing red and dusk. Nature is a constant and an essential indicator of time, this predictability is integral to the reliability of the rapid transit system as we wait for arrival and descent at our designated spot.
There is an abstract organic feel to the work reflecting the sustainability of intelligent transit systems as they relieve pressure on the natural ecosystem, carrying many passengers on a collective journey.